Thursday, October 4, 2012
October 4th The Day Of The Cinnamon Bun!
Today is the traditional day to celebrate the swedish cinnamon bun. The one I enjoy eating most is the vanilla version. But today is the day...
Sunday, July 15, 2012
Vegan Vanilla Chocolate Chip Cheesecake
Yesterday we went to Åsele Market, a tradition we try to do every year in my family. The car ride takes two hours, we then walk around th...
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Midsummers! Strawberry Cream Cake
Midsummers is the celebration we swedes celebrate as our national day. Yes our national day is on June 6th, but this is the day we all lov...
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
The Vegan Swedes BIG Taco Pie
What do I say about this recipe, swedes love their tacos and this is in my eyes the best way to enjoy them. Yummy and LARGE taco pie! Fillin...
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Vegan Oven Baked (gratinated) Falu-Sausage (Ugnsbakad Falukorv)
Traditional swedish dish, normally not vegan. But this took me back and made me very happy. Easy to make and very easy to eat. Love it. The ...
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Swedish Easter With The Vegan Swedes 2012
This easter was my sister in laws first Swedish easter. So we focused on the decorations and the cosy feeling. I am not sure how other count...
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Earth Hour Hot Chocolate 2012
Earth Hour 2012 with The Vegan Swedes We had our Earth Hour with candles and hot chocolate. As many of you might know being vegan helps the ...
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